Thermal properties of materials were investigated throughout this lab. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR), and Thermal Transmittance tests were performed during the lab.
Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Differential scanning calorimetry involves the heating and cooling of a sample through its melting temperature and crystallization temperature. As the sample is heated or cooled, thermal transitions are observed as peaks or changes in heat flow at specific temperatures. The DSC test indicates that a 62.9% crystalline sample of polypropylene has a melting temperature of 166 OC and a crystallization temperature of 125 OC.
Thermogravimetric Analysis
Thermal Gravimetrical Analysis involves the measurement of the sample’s weight as temperature is increased. During the test, the weight of the sample decreases as the sample degrades. The TGA test indicates that the degradation temperature of polypropylene is 461 OC
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis involves the measurement of storage modulus and loss modulus of a sample at varying temperature through the measurement of stress and strain of the material. The DMA test indicates that the glass transition temperature of PET-G is 88.2 OC.
Fourier Transform Infra-Red
Fourier transform infra-red tests involve directing IR radiation through a target sample and measuring absorbance at each wavelength. As the IR radiation passes through the sample, some of the energy is absorbed by vibrating bonds of the sample. The FTIR test indicates that the sample tested is polystyrene, which is confirmed by the sample itself.
Thermal Transmittance
Thermal transmittance tests involve measuring the heat flow through various materials. By measuring the power applied to heat the samples, the rate of heat transfer through the material is understood. The thermal transmittance tests indicate that metals have a higher thermal transmittance than polymers.